Windows Media Player Won T Burn Cds

windows media player won t burn cds

1.What is the exact error message.

I suggest you to try the steps provided and check if it helps.

Step 1: Try to slow down the burning speed and check if it helps.

e.Under Burn tab, change the speed.

Step 2: Disable error correction and check if it helps.

a.In Windows Media Player, on the Tools menu, click Options.

b.On the Devices tab, click Properties for the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive that is being used.

c.Remove the checkmark from Use error correction.

Windows Media Player won't burn CDs

Trying to burn a cd through Windows media player as I always did been about 6 months since last time without any problems it goes through all the motions and.

Dave, I m using the latest release of Microsoft Window Media Player and am having a problem I thought you could help me with: the CDs that I burn in Media Player don.

Windows media player won

With Windows Media Player you can burn three kinds of discs: audio CDs, data CDs, and data DVDs. To decide which kind of disc you should use, you ll need to think.

Windows Media Player 12 allows computers with built-in CD and/or DVD burners to quickly and easily create audio CDs, data CDs and Data DVDs. This functionality.

windows media player won t burn cds windows media player won t burn cds

trying to burn a cd through Windows media player as I always did been about 6 months since last time without any problems it goes through all the motions and after done a window pops up says Windows Media Player encountered a problem while burning the file to the disc . . I tried differnt discs Maxell CD-R and a Memorex DVD-R both of which I have burned music onto the same batches before. I also played a music CD from the D driver and it payed music so it does work that way. I have had browser issues with IE11 and reverted back to IE9 just last week below is the link to that forum discussion I tried to get internet help with microsoft and had no luck with thier fix it tool. Can someone help me figure out what is going on here.

Edited by Mrs Beach, 17 December 2013 - AM.

Have you tried using another program other than WMP. Try that, and if that doesn t work, it could be possible that the burning feature of your cd drive my be broke. A friend had lent me a spare CD/DVD burner of his for my build and while it reads discs just fine, burning doesn t work at all. It will appear to work but the disc never burns properly.

All things considered, burning drives cd/dvd burners are cheap and easy enough to replace. Hardware does wear out over time and use. How old is that system.

3 years old but the dvd driver was replaced two years ago by Toshiba

OK, and since then, how many cd s/dvd s have you burned. How often has it been used to play them as well.

As previously suggestedif you try to burn a disk, using another player take your pick it would help define whether it is a hardware problem or a software/Windows issue.

probably burned 10 or so. . and dont play much on it. . I will try burning using another player and get back to you

Ok I downloaded Free Easy Burner and it did the same thing. . showed it burned successfully but the CD is blank. . used 2 different CDs also. . guess I m screwed   thanks anyway guys

Have you tried plugging the CD into another computer. I have had issues with windows not recognizing discs before.

Felipe2237 I will try that later today with another computer and let you know

edit: I tried it in my car stereo and it will not read either. . says error and kicks it out

Edited by Mrs Beach, 20 December 2013 - PM.

.. showed it burned successfully but the CD is blank

Please tell us how you determine that the cd is blank. After it burned successfully, do you take it to your cd player to try it out, or are you arriving at your conclusion that the cd is blank because Windows won t play it back. Are you clicking-- Computer-- CD Drive and from there, Windows tells you the cd is blank. If so, that s not the reliable answer for you at this point. To make the best determination, you should try playing the cd on some other cd playerafter all, Windows ALSO told you that it DID burn successfully. Since those two pieces of data are conflicting, we could possibly give you better answers if you were to try another cd player to see if it plays or not.

From my experience with trashed cd/dvd drives, Windows may very well think the cd is blank when it does in fact contain data. If the disk isn t being read properly which does happen with trashed optical drives, then Windows defaults to it s only other optioninstead of playing back the music written on the disk, it s response under the above scenario is to render the Blank CD reply to it s Play back command.

There is also the distinct possibility that your drive is too badly fragmented. Have you checked that.

I tried playing it through windows first. . then in my car stereo. downloaded free easy burner and burned the same music to a new cd and it told me burn successful but it is blank also as I tried it in my car stereo and it first said reading then as soon as it said track 1 it kicked out the cd and said error

. I dont know anything about fragmented or how to check it sorry

I am also wondering if any of the programs I ran last week to fix that other problem might have done something to it maybe temporarily disconnected it. Also I use Youtube downloader but it never gave me problems before. . just a thought

Ahh, ok thenit would seem to me you may be one who hasn t been very mindful of the condition of the disk on your system. Print out this instruction or bookmark this thread so you can refer back to these instructions as you will be required to reboot the system to carry on.

Click start- Computerthen Right-Click on your C drive and select Properties. There, click the Disk Cleanup button and allow the scan to complete.

When it is finished, a list of items to cleanup will be presented and some items will already be checked by default. Look through that listing to be sure you check other items you want to delete Recycle Bin and Temporary files should be checked. Next, click the Clean up system files button and follow the prompts to complete the disk cleanup this will remove superfluous junk files from the disk and free up some space.

When that completes, you will be left with the disk properties box still open to the General tab. Now let s click the Tools tab. From there, please click the Check now button under the Error-checking header. Please place a check in the box labeled Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors option Automatically fix file system errors should be checked by default. Now please click the Start button then click the Schedule disk check button and reboot the system. When the system comes back up the scan will continue on it s own. Allow this to complete, then reboot the system once more.

When it comes back up and the desktop is stable, click computer, then Right-Click the C drive again and select Properties. Now click the Tools tab, then click the Defragment now button then click on the Defragment diskallow this to complete, then reboot the system again.

Try burning another disk and post back when you finish to let us know if this made the difference.

Ok while doing all that my husband came home with his computer and I put the cds in his computer just to see if they were in fact blank. . the one I burned with the free easy burner played the music I burned. . all of it. . but the cd I burned using WMP was blank. So after I completed your list of tasks I put the cd with music on it in my computer and it sees it as blank. Do you still want me to try to burn again using WMP or just be happy with what I have. I will be happy just to burn as I dont listen to music on my computer with cds anyway.

Edit. . my second cd did not burn after using both programs .. headed to store to get new cd-r s and will try again. I just hope I m not doing anything wrong here but I ve done it so many times before.

Edited by Mrs Beach, 21 December 2013 - PM.

Why would defragging help. I m not questioning you, I m genuinely curious.

It s your callif you re satisfied knowing you can burn a cd using other software then I d leave well enough alone.

If a disk is badly fragmented, Windows will need to spend more time and do more work looking all over the disk to find all the relevant parts of data before a successful read. The amount of time it takes before any particular piece of software times out and throws up some default message is going to be relative to each particular piece of software depending on how it s written. So, since this user is having issues with writing/reading cd s and/or playback, then running through some simple maintenance steps should be among the first thing s done before moving onto more involved troubleshooting steps. Think of it as you would your car for example. One wouldn t be expected to go out and purchase a new one simply because it isn t running like it did when it was new, so doesn t it make good sense first to, maybe check the spark plugs.

anyway, that s the best way I can answer for you briefly. You can though, if you like, read more Here.

Granted, her system is Windows 7 which comes with disk defrag setup by default to run on it s own but if she isn t aware of the default time of A.M. she s probably never changed it. Andunless she works on her computer during those early morning hours, it may never have been run at all.

Windows Media Player comes installed on many 64-Bit Windows systems. Media Player supports numerous digital video formats by default, including Windows Media.

Resources. Microsoft: Download Windows Media Player; Photo Credit cd on cd image by Stephen Kirkby from; You May Also Like. Media Player Won t.